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The Hacker Walkthrough

This is a short game I saw on Additctinggames, it's called The Hacker, and I just thought I would post a walkthrough video of it here to see if I can still rank high for the phrase. This video was posted on youtube on May 22, 2010. But the problem is that this tutorial video seems not to work others. As I search for answers, may I ask you to leave a comment below if you know something about the issue that this The Hacker walkthrough does not work. Here's the video.

If ever you find another video tutorial of some kind for The Hacker Walkthrough, please share with us for sharing is sexy.


Emily said...

The reason it doesn't work for some people is because they might try entering the commands in caps. You can't hack into or command a computer using capital letters. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

I can't even beat the tutorial :(

Anonymous said...

I made this video! Lol, thanks so much for putting it on your site! - KrazySteev. I was looking through the statistics and saw you embedded it on here. :)