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Caps Walkthrough Video

A different take on the classic game Peg Solitaire, instead of pegs there are caps. Caps has 40 different levels and a level editor so you can create and share your own customized puzzles with others. You can turn on Expert mode for an added challenge if you feel like being an expert on this game. Caps may seem to be so easy to play but sooner or later you will find yourself reading this article and watching the Caps Walkthrough video.

The firt part of the video.

The second part.

The third part.

And an image (which you don't need). ^^

As I said earlier, Caps may only seem easy but it's really not that easy. The Caps Walkthrough video may prove to be very useful if ever you find yourself stuck in some part of the game.


Anonymous said...

wahahhaa.. ang cool :D

Anonymous said...

just one question wheres the walk through to lvl 39 this would be the only one ive needed help on...

Anonymous said...

40 is a pain!

I have posted the next 9 levels (31-39) in video form now.

Thanks for linking my stuff!

If anyone completes 40 in a good fashion, message me through my youtube account!