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Escape The Orange Room Walkthrough

Another game of from 10colordots, Escape The Orange Room is a point and click escape game type where you are locked inside an orange room and you try to escape from it by finding clues and items and solving puzzles. Anyways, we know that you may find this game difficult to finish so we gathered some data to form some kind of what we call Escape The Orange Room Walkthrough and since this game may require some Japanese characters familiarity, we added some translation. The following might help.

睦 = Jan.
如 = Feb.
弥 = Mar.
卯 = Apr.
皐 = May.
水 = Jun.
文 = Jul.
葉 = Aug.
長 = Sep.
神 = Oct.
霜 = Nov.
師 = Dec.
Below are some tips from one of those who already solved and finished this game.
get key from under mat
glue from second draw
key holder from in fold of right hand part of lounge
assemble key
open draw
use knife on picture
match 3 symbols on picture to the translation
use them months as codes on box get key for door.
That is what we have got now for Escape The Orange Room Walkthrough. Check back for updates.

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