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Borderlands Walkthrough For XBox, Some Reviews and Comments

Dubbed as the product of the marriage of the two main-stay of the video game industry, first person and RPG. Gearbox Software's Borderlands is a hybrid which is now dubbed as "role-playing-shooter". What do gamers get from an RPS game is the combined experience from both RPG and FPS such as the skill trees, looting, tier abilities and intense first person shooting action.

Wanna see an action? Watch the Borderlands Walkthrough Gameplay video below.

And here are some comments about the game from some of the gamers.

The good..
Full of style and away from anything "we" have seen before. I'm definitely going to buy this game.

The bad..
loot system will kill interest in this game, as the close contact fighters will get it all ; usually play pet class (which is sniper here) or long range, making me loose all the loot.
If you have anything to say about Borderlands, voice it out and let us know.

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